Presidential Comments

There is little that is more important for an American citizen to know than the history and traditions of his country. Without such knowledge, he stands uncertain and defenseless before the world, knowing neither where he has come from nor where he is going. With such knowledge, he is no longer alone but draws a strength far greater than his own from the cumulative experience of the past and accumulative vision of the future.
Excerpt from John Kennedy's (1962) essay "On History"

I cannot but remember the place that New Jersey holds in our early history. In the early Revolutionary struggle, few of the States among the old Thirteen had more of the battlefields of the country within their limits than old New Jersey.… Away back in my childhood, the earliest days of my being able to read, I got hold of a small book…Weem’s "Life of Washington". I remember all the accounts there given on the battle fields and struggles for the liberties of the country, and none fixed themselves upon my imagination so deeply as the struggle here at Trenton, New Jersey. The crossing of the river, the contest with the Hessians, the great hardhips endured at that time, all fixed themselves on my memory more than any single revolutionary event; and you all know, for you all have been boys, how these early impressions last longer than any others. I recollect thinking then, boy even though I was, that there must have been something more than common that those men struggled for; that something even more than National Independence; that something that held out a great promise to all people of the world to all time to come.... Excerpt from Abraham Lincoln's speech to the NJ State Senate, February 21, 1861

Wallace House and Old Dutch Parsonage Association Membership Information

Please visit our new website, to learn more about our organization. Events and news about the sites will be posted there as well as on the blog. Thank you to all our local friends and supporters for your contributions and loyal support over the years!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Event details and correction on date

NB:  Please note the correction on the date for the Bake Oven Program

Two Upcoming Events at the The Wallace House and Old Dutch Parsonage Historic Site:  Sat. Oct 25 and Sat. Nov. 8

Saturday, Oct. 25
2 pm – 3 pm
"Celebrate New Jersey"
Lecture and visual presentation by author
and New Jersey historian Linda Barth
Save gas as you tour our wonderful state from the comfort of your chair at the the Wallace House meeting room. Experience the famous and not-so-famous people, places, and events of our great little state. Explore our diverse geography: mountains, highlands, rivers, lakes, and seashore. Visit the South, the North, the Central, and little-known places in between. See the many inventions made in New Jersey, including the Band-Aid®, the bar code, and Bubble Wrap®. See the largest clock and flag in the world. Follow George Washington as he criss-crossed our state. Join Linda Barth on this trip around the best state in the nation. Event to be held in:
The Wallace House Meeting Room
71 Somerset St.
 (Parking lot located across from Circle Floors)
Somerville, NJ 08876
Fee:  $10 per person
For information please contact the site. 
Phone:  908-725-1015      Email: 

Saturday, Nov. 8:  18th Century Bake Oven Demonstration at The Wallace House and Old Dutch Parsonage Historic Sites
On Saturday, Nov. 8, Michele Dansak will demonstrate the use of a wood-fired, 18th century bake oven at the Old Dutch Parsonage, from 2 pm to 3:30.  The demonstration will include the preparation of the food items that will then be baked in the oven. In addition, a special tour of The Wallace House and Old Dutch Parsonage will be available after the demonstration. The bake oven demonstration takes place outdoors; please dress appropriately for the weather conditions.
For those who wish to participate by assisting in the bake oven process, the price is $15 per person.  Those who choose to attend as observers will be charged a fee of $10. 
Advance reservations are required. 
To register and for information, please contact the site.  

Event Contact: 
Site Manager Jim Kurzenberger

Phone:  908-725-1015.   Email:
The Wallace House and Old Dutch Parsonage Historic Sites
71 Somerset St., Somerville, NJ 08876
(Parking lot located across from Circle Floors)
Somerville, NJ 08876 

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